Friday, November 22, 2013

Back posts

Looking back at my blog only did I realize that I haven't been blogging for the past 6 mths! Ya that's so long! I did actually pen a few entries here and there but they were mostly half entries.. So I shall take this time to " consolidate" them..

-- drafted on 11th may 2013 --

Simple pleasures

" sometimes the simple pleasures in life are more fun and meaningful than all the parties in the world"

It does sound pretty exaggerating but I'm kinda proud of myself.. (Give myself a pat) of being able to make the two cranky bb zz w/0 bringing them out on a pram ride. :)

Their usual routine would b to have their naps while uncle pig or my mil would bring them out in their pram. I thought I would need to since I hv never tried making both zz at the same time for their afternoon naps; at least not for a loooong time .

This happiness was simple, pure bliss..

-- Drafted on 27th May 2013--

Bye Pump..

Yes, I've decided to stop pumping.. After 1 year, 1 mth and 2 days.. Haha.. Time to stop.. It's a relief actually , to decide that its time finally .. Grace has been treating me as a human pacifier and she juz wanna latch on when she's sleeping and thus I can't zz well.. It's probably time to train her to wean off as well, and start zz on her own bed.

Praying that all will b smooth

-- Drafted on 29th may 2013--

One month break

It's the end of may and also the end of my one month break. How time flies.. Haha.. It's refreshing when there's a break, juz to spend some time with the kids. I didn't stop work entirely but I basically came home usually by 5pm, so that I could spend some time w the twins and also joy when she comes back fr school.

It's scary to think that I'm gonna start working again next week.. I don't know how I can cope.. It's juz like returning to work right after maternity leave! But I need to, for the sake of everyone.. It's nice to spend the afternoons with William juz doing grocery shopping or pedicures or simply nothing .. But I need the job.. And I love my job too! So yes, I'm coming back. A bit scared but excited . Gonna start preparing for work to start proper.

God, help me make all things fall in place, help me listen to You,. Guide me and let me know your directions .. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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