Friday, November 22, 2013

Missing Charlene

-- Drafted on 9th jun 2013--
As time passes, I always think how are Alicia & Dez are coping? How is it like? I am worried abt them but I didn't have the courage to ask, for fear that it would juz remind them again. What I do now is to keep myself updated abt their news via their blog.. And each time I read their postings, each time I'm so encouraged by them , their faith in God and how difficult it muz have been, coming to terms with everything yet deeply missing the one we so adore ..

Lord I juz wanna pray that You heal them, be with them, in these difficult times .. I pray that their friends and relatives would be sensitive to their comments coz often than not, its words and not swords that hurt most. Lord, I pray for comfort and peace in their house, I pray that much as we understand that things are in ur master plan, I pray that we can have good news to be happy abt. I pray that You will be with this household , in Jesus name I pray, amen

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