Sunday, April 22, 2012

Relationships can be so fragile..

Had lunch with a very old friend today. Had always wanted to catch up with her but bcoz all of us were busy with our own lives, we only met at major occasions like weddings etc.. I initiated today's lunch bcoz I suspected that something was going wrong between her n hubz. Both of them were my personal friends and crossed their paths at my 21st birthday party, dated and got married.. It was a long relationship that span more than ten years and I was delighted when it was finally their turn to walk the aisle a couple of years ago.. But relationships can be so fragile at times. There was another woman in the picture, they started  barely a few mths ago and hubz is now sure that "she" is the one and wanna end the marriage. My heart sank when my friend told me this. She was still in love with this man, wanna forget him n give each other another chance. But the decision was not mutual. It seems so unbelievable. 

Right now, I juz pray that she will pick things up soon, that the wounds would heal soon although I think it always take time. Oh God, I pray for this couple, that You fix their relationship , that You carry her and You heal her wounds. I pray that she/they will turn to You, to know you and I pray that in the midst of all these, something gd will come out of it. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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