Sunday, April 22, 2012

When will it be my turn? 

Today I had a gathering with my friends and we were all talking abt our delivery experiences and due dates. It's been a long wait for me and now I'm left with 10 more days. I had wanted to really tahan till week 37, but the excruciating pains experienced last night made me tempted to shorten it to week 36. 

Surely there won't be much of a difference bet 36th and 37th week right? I mean, yes there will be a difference la but will the difference b significant? So much so that is it worthwhile to wait for an additional 7 more days? I was an owl last night, having only zz fr 730am - 9, and another half hr at 1130am. Zz was difficult n a rare commodity. N if this repeats for the next ten days, by the time the twins r here, I seriously doubt I would have any ounce of energy left to take care of them. 

Having heard of mummies delivering their twins super early in their pregnancy, I'm thankful that I managed to last till now but I'm also tempted to shorten it myself. I really wanna c the twins soon too! Kinda excited n wondering if they will look like joy.. Haha.. Hopefully the excitement don't set me off to another sleepless night. Hopefully my water bag burst tonight! Hopefully hopefully hopefully.. Hopefully tonight I can zz well and change my mind!

1 comment:

  1. Jiayou!! It will be worth it. Just bear with it a few days more. I am sure you will be glad to have gone through this. I will pray for your comfort and the pain to ease so that you can catch some rest before your delivery. I will pray for your delivery to be smooth and fast so that your pain will not be too long. Jia you!
