Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 35 update

It's been a slow week but finally we are at week 35. Everyday seems to be passing by slowly n the wait seems so long. Anyway @ week 35, it seems a milestone on its own. I've passed 7 days and there's another 14 days left. (small yeah!)

1) weight gain
- its a lot! I've gain 4kg since last week! Gasp! The twins are at abt 2.8kg each.. They've only gain 300 grams each since last week weighing . Anyway the gynae did reassure me that the huge gain is normal for a twin pregnancy n I really shldnt b worrying too much. He's quite pleased with how the twins developed and commented that it would be nice if we could push ourselves a little bit more n tahan till week 36. 

2) delivery date
- it was original slated to b on the 3rd of may but looking at how uncomfortable I am w the swollen feet, my backaches n everything, the gynae did say that we can push the date earlier, but Ideally it would b best if we can tahan tahan, so that the girls can stay in me n grow fully. Yes, I'm really trying, trying to tolerate all of it that comes along. Zz has not been easy, together with the pains n swollen feet n not able to do much except be waited on. 

In no time I won't be able to see my toes i guess! But in the midst of all these discomforts , I'm also so appreciative of what God has done for me, by blessing us with two wonderful lives. Uncle Pig says to look at this as a situation that God has set for me, a challenge for me to overcome. If I could overcome all the heartaches while TTC-ing back then, this surely is a manageable task for me. Ultimately, God is with us all the time n in times of despair, we just hv to look to Him, for help.  Yes, it will be manageable for me and yes I should try to be more optimistic abt it. I still have Uncle Pig and Joy who dotes on me n waits on me like a queen. I'm so thankful for them in my lives and I really should count my blessings. I love them and I thank God for them. 

Okie, shall stop here for now. Trying my best to be optimistic and happy abt things and counting each day as it goes by. For now, let's juz look forward to week 36. :p

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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