Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Had lunch with one of my ex-colleagues last week.. She's in a similar situation as me , juz tat she's juz beginning to start to her course of fertility treatments while I've already at almost the end of it.. Thot I met up w her to lend her some support n encouragement..

Besides the fertility medicine, she's only taking an injection per cycle.. Not really intrusive yet n really at the tip of the cycle I told her.. I also shared w her the technical as well as emotional parts of it when I was at her stage.. Right now, she's juz feeling ultra emo abt the whole thing, which is something I can completely relate to! She asked how did I even survive the whole of the 2 yrs juz trying when it seems so difficult for time to pass each cycle.. I'm relieved .. Not relieved tat she's going thru it now.. But relieved tat this is really a thing of the past for me.. Tat I can relate as a bystander n not as one who's still in it.. It juz seem only recently tat I was like her.. Waiting.. Waiting for it to happen.. Ovulation.. Then the test.. Then ovulation n the cycle repeats again n again.. Such tat we give up almost every other thing in life juz for it to happen.. Not exercising for fear tat the embroy might not b stable ; not traveling ; not willing to expand my biz, not changing joy's bed (coz if no.2 were to come along, then maybe a double deck bed would be more practical) and the many many things that we daren't do coz if no.2 were to come along.. blah blah blah...I'm juz thankful tat in the midst of my frustration n struggles, God was always there for me.. Tat He drops a verse or two juz to brighten my spirits up, tat He drops angels ard me to comfort me when I needed them.. He was there all the time n to which I was truly grateful.
I juz pray now for thus friend of mine, tat she be strong n draw close to God in the midst of this.. Coz much as we r in similar situations, she juz felt tat God shldnt hv subject us to such agony esp when we were willing parents to b; like y cant God juz give infertility to pple who don't even wanna hv kids n those who want , let them hv plentiful w/o difficulties.. To which I share w her James 1: 2-4, which im glad tat I always kept it in my hp..
Lord, I juz pray tat she will look to you in all situations ba.. Coz much as i wanna share, lord I pray tat u open her ears n heart, tat she know tat in all situations , we should know tat it is in Yr plans n even though we don't understand now, what will b achieved is tat we will grow to be stronger n better .. - Amen

- which reminds me tat I should blog abt another sermon tat I attended recently.. Will b posting tat shortly.. Hehe...

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