Monday, May 30, 2011

Life choices

It's gonna be a looooong entry n u've been warned... 

It's been such a long time since I wrote abt anything.. N there's so many things tt I wanna blog abt.. 

Mayb I shall blog on the ultra major quarrel / discussion of my life.. It may sound amusing now but we've went thru many sessions lor n I'm sure when sept comes it will b another round of intense emotions... 

??? Haven bakery has always been a baby of uncle pig.. N all along I've been pretty supportive of it.. Irregardless of whether if it brought in a decent income.. Until when our dear family oriented man kept doing non - work related things during official HB hrs.. To the extent it really pissed me off.. Coz I can keep nagging at him on sun when he says he gotta run errands on mon n can't wk n this can KEEP Repeating for 5 sundays!! It's frustrating coz I sound like a broken record or I'm always the "off" person not allowing him to do this n tat..

So abt a few weeks ago, I told him tat he actually has 3 options : 
A) employer/ entrepreneur of HB
- he has flexibility of time n orders taking, promotions n whatsoever but he will hv to manage his own expenses

B) employee 
- fixed wkg hrs, fixed salary, no control on the kind of orders coz as long as I feel tat the order is reasonable / profitable then he has to accept it. 
- juz like a normal person doing normal job tasks

C) Home maker
- this was only thrown to him last week coz I seriously feel tat if HB can't even afford to give him a decent income, then y shld he b wasting his time there? 
- Y shld he spent his Fridays, Saturdays on the orders? N y shld I sacrifice my Sat for him? It doesn't make any biz sense coz here I am, giving him a fixed salary, but bcoz of this, I need to hire another part-time cleaner; find baby sitter arrangment on sat n blah blah... 
I mean if tats the case then I rather he juz stayed at home so tat the house willb cleaned , I get clean , ironed clothes n home cooked food!! I don't really needy hubby to hv a promising career coz I feel tat being a homemaker might b the best for him since he's always a family oriented person... But if today he wants to concentrate on his "career" then I will b the supportive wife n b behind him.. But then the career muz give him a reasonable amt of wages.. Otherwise it didn't make any economic sense.. 

This may sound unpleasing to the ear but these are hard facts tt we need to face in life.. We all need to earn a living to breathe right? 

So yes, despite all the hard truths , I told him my thoughts.. N much as it seem a pity to close down HB (if he chose option C) , that's a fact of life.. At least his time can juz b divided bet joy n I.. Haha.. N not with another competitor! 

His reply consist of a few parts.. 
1) he was not aware abt my kpi expectations , which I told him tat I've said it to him many many times.. 

2) moving forward he will work fr 11am- 6pm for HB and come bk do the household chores.. Until HB manages to pay him a decent income ..

3) give him freedom to manage till our rental lease expires in sep '11 n by then he would hv a gd gauge on which option to take.. Which I agreed.. 
Although I was a little concerned.. What if really can't manage then really close? Isn't tt a pity? Haha.. Aiya but I shall leave it to God n him ba.. If he did his best n really it's not profitable then also not a bad choice mah.. Plus if I don't push him, he will nv b motivated n have the desire to excel ah..  
- reminded myself again tat man has to do his best n let God do the rest..

I'm glad to finally get it off my chest.. It's been bothering me for weeks.. N I'm thankful tat despite everything tat I've said to uncle pig, it remains professional.. No hard feelings.. Haha.. I can't imagine another person taking it as well as him.. Yes tats y im thankful for him.. N I hope tat as a couple we will be able to cover each other's blindspots n complement each other... 

S0, we shall see how it goes in sept... Mixed feelings.. But we shall c la 

1 comment:

  1. k la... not as long ma.. ur other blogs also tt kind of length :p
