Saturday, July 20, 2024

Emo week

Depression - my long time battle - left few days after my period arrived. It came and left unexpectedly.

This was how I felt most of last week- life without colours and wondering if all of these will end. I didn’t understand what was going thru, why all of a sudden my life was always so bleak and dark. 

It left as quietly as it came. And I’m afraid that it returns again, be it randomly or routinely following my period. Coz I do feel that the valleys do get deeper occasionally. 

I wished I wasn’t so emo. I wished I wasn’t so needy. A friend once said that this is a good trait as a leader - to be emphatic towards one’s challenges and circumstances. I’m not sure if this make sense but I need to learn and develop more superpowers.. hahaha.. to learn to decluttter my negative thoughts, to digest the negative news and transfer it into positive energy. 

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