Friday, July 26, 2024

A day of randomness

Thought I come back to this since I had the afternoon free. Actually I had the whole day free coz my lunch appt got postponed and my next appt is 8pm. 

Thought I could sew the entire afternoon coz the sun was bright etc. but just a few stitches in, I took out my glasses and continued another few more, and called it a day. 

Patience my dear.. let’s just wait for my reading glasses to be here. Aging is a nuisance, and I’m starting to see things in William POV.. hahaha.. 

Not going to do anything constructive today.. hahaha.. just looking at the scenery right out of my balcony, it’s and blogging and soaking in the fresh air and hot sun. 

3 things to be thankful for:

1. I had a slow breakfast with the two men and drove Joash to school without any accident. 

2. I watched a lot of nonsense videos today.. hahaha.. just not doing anything important today. It’s a rare indulgence.. haha

3. I had a fruitful evening zoom appt. Suggested getting life/term plans for my clients’ kids but they wasn’t interested. It just reinforced what JM said to me when I was guilt tripping myself: “Insurance will never be enough when something happens, but will be too much when nothing happens.” 

I’m glad that I’ve said what I think is impt; I’ve done my part and if they don’t wan, it’s completely fine! I’m just irritated when things happen and then I start blaming myself “why didn’t I recommend this etc”

Financial adviser is a tough job for people who think too much (me).. hahahaha.. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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