Friday, December 1, 2023


Almost 5 months into the job, it has been a whirlwind of emotions. There are still many things to learn and pick up. But there are a few impt things that I wanna remind myself of, so I wouldn’t end up killing myself. 

Lesson #1: It is okay not to know everything. When unsure, just clarify / check before offering an answer. 

This was taught to me when I was a young adviser. The principle was simple. Instead of giving wrong info, just inform the client that you will get back to him / her. And make sure you revert back within the stipulated time. I guess a part of me have forgotten abt this long ago. 

Fast forward 20yrs, and now I have a group of advisers who are also my “clients” so to say. I need to remind myself that for qns that I already knew the answer, I will reply accordingly. For qns that I’m unsure of, it is okie to let them know that I will either check for them. Or I can empower them to check and update the group. 

There were instances I do feel crippled when I don’t have the answers on the spot. Like oh my 天, why don’t I know?! Oh why didn’t I ask this before etc? 

Sometimes I’m happy when they ask.  Coz at least this means they are working. 

Lesson #2: Tend to my own garden. 

There is no need to be the fomo manager or guilt trip myself when I’m not giving the same things to my babies. Every manager is different. And each have their own strengths. I might not be strong in certain areas but there are things that I can bring to the table to enhance my babies skills. 

People whom I’m close to, will know how hard this is for me. To believe in myself. I always said this - “I wish they sell confidence by the bottle.” Sometimes I look at some advisers / managers, and I wonder “他们哪来的勇气!” 

I save this link  so that I can re-watch it whenever I go into a panic attack (which can happen quite frequently nowadays coz I’m heading FG every mth plus the massive training once every quarter)

Lesson #3: Don’t be so affected by what I see on social media/ people’s remarks 

Not everything on social media is real. A lot of things are quite on the contrary. Sometimes certain comments just get me triggered and it frustrates me when this happens. Like I could see a bomb about to explode and as much as I remind myself not to, I still get triggered. It frustrates me when I hear certain comments made, knowing that these people don’t feel that way. Like how fake can these people can. (Sorry God,I’m not a saint.) I 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 every time I hear certain remarks. And i know I’m not professional. Argh. This is a work in progress thing that is interlink with 2). 

Lesson #4: Set protected time 

These couple of mths, I’ve noticed that my work appts / emails have been creeping into my usual family time. Like coming sun morning I have a 9am zoom bcoz clients can only make it this time and I’m traveling (again) next week. I need to be more strict abt my family time. The hectic work quarter is over. Now work should be kept strictly during working time zones. 

I think that’s all for now. 

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