Tuesday, June 27, 2023


After my emo rant that day, I decided to go back to exercising. Coz exercise makes one happy. Ditched my parenting duties and went for a Swim that night. No guilt coz I know I need to be mentally well before I can care for my kids. 

And the swim was good. Joash slept easily according to my helper. 

And I finally decided that I should give BFT and me a chance.. hahaha.. after being nudged by my friend a 1000000x times.

Thank you for persuading me to come and insisting that I take the trial after that.. lol.. she just assumed I would and told the staff to do the paperwork when I was still panting after the exercise. 

But it was greatly appreciated. Coz otherwise I will give myself another week of excuses not exercises. Thank you for going the extra mile for me today. We shall see how this goes. Either u get tired of coming to this outlet instead of yr usual outlet or me running out of steam.

JM asked me if this was better over the PT that I took few mths ago. My reply was this: “It’s like how we ask our kids to do 作文 at home vs in sch.. in sch coz everyone does it so they will die die complete.. at home a lot of excuses etc. I’m that kind of student.”

I felt good today. I did something I was uncomfortable. I could have cancelled coz Joash woke up at 5am; or bcoz I wasn’t feeling up to it but I’m glad I didn’t. Little wins. 🤗

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