Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Spending time

Came home from the trip last Saturday and the 3 of us are still recovering from jet lag. Wouldn’t have happened if the baby would just zzz more on the plane. His sleeps are everywhere now and I’m just praying that this will end soon. 

And now, it’s time to spend some quality time with the girls.

Texted the teenager this morning and ask if she would like to do a coffee session with me in the midst of her exams. She chose the place and I’m just blogging while she continues her revision. 

Sometimes I look at her, and I thank God for sending her to me. And if I didn’t itchy backside and prayed for another baby, I would have an easy life now. Oh well, that’s a story for another day.

Revisions are auto pilot for her and I hardly need keep track of her progress. What I can do for her is to provide stops/ breaks for her so that she takes care of her mental health and that she doesn’t crash and collapse in the midst of the stress she is giving to herself. 

I’m thankful how she turn out to b despite the initial turbulence years. 

Take yr time my dear teenager. Enjoy each step of the way. 

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