Friday, September 16, 2022

Traveling with a baby (again)

 And we finally arrived in Dubai! After 7hrs.. and this is only part 1 of our trilogy series.. lol.. my bad for splitting the flights .. but that is a story for another day. 

Reached Changi airport 3.5hrs earlier coz hearsay the queues have gotten quite horrible with everyone traveling. And thankfully we got there early. The check in 姐姐 was kind enough to link our luggages all the way to our final destination, even though the last flight was a separate booking. (We are flying with Emirates to Paris; followed by Air France to Edinburgh) Wasn’t aware that there was a partnership agreement between the 2 airlines, but I’m thankful that the staff went the extra mile. 

The anxiety leading up to the trip, cause me to have sleepless nights (again). I’ve forgotten how it felt but the blog provided some memories. Hahaha

William took most of the first flight, coz he is the #1 person who does Joash closings. He cried a lot at the beginning and towards the ending of the flight. I don’t know how long he took before he zzz. But he did zzz, and so did I. 

Landed and did some shopping at Dubai before making our way to the lounge. Boy is sleeping again. We would prefer a well slept baby who is happy then a sleep deprived baby who might or might not zzz on the next flight. If sir wanna zzz, he will get his zzz now. Will adjust the jet lag in the next few days. 

Waiting to take our second flight now. Let’s see if our judgement is true. 

2.5 more hrs to reaching paris.. after which we still gotta wait for 6 hrs before taking our last and final flight . 

Day flight seems to be easier + Joash could walk around everywhere + friendly people makes it a lot bearable. People are generally tolerable of noisy babies in the day time then night. 

I manage to entertain him for a few hrs while William took a catnap. And even did a closing when he arouse from his nap. Hahaha.. waiting for my lunch. Thankful that we are nearer to our destination. Going to check with the counter if we can change to an earlier flight since our luggages are routed to the final destination. 

Otherwise it would b a 24hrs traveling. It probably means we could do US/ Canada next time.. hahaha

Correction: the whole flying took more than 34hrs.. hahahaha.. and we are now safely back in our room. 

So thankful that a lot worse could have happened yday, but didn’t. Like how the second flight delayed for an hr and if we had originally booked the 3pm (3rd flight), we would have missed it and be stuck in paris for a while. But even though it was wise that we took the 9pm flight, it also meant waiting at the airport for 6hrs before taking a 2hrs flight. Well, we survived! The last flight ended up to b more like a budget aircraft, with no in flight entertainment, cramp seats and really basic basic. But ya, it was an otherwise good experience. Joash was v socialable the entire day and he played v well with other kids we met throughout the whole day. He was good. I’m thankful. 

It’s 630am in Edinburgh now. The two men are still sleeping but I was wide awake since an hr ago. Looking forward to the start of our trip! 

Thank you God for yr protection and covering! 

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