Saturday, May 7, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day!

This is how solo parenting looks on good days. Not everyday is great, and that’s why it makes them extra special. There are days when I wished I wasn’t a mother to the 4 kids; that I was known as @queenlena, and not @mrsqueenchoo. But there are days when I ask myself how blessed am I, that God give me the privilege to be the mom of 4 wonderful kids. It hasn’t been easy, especially when the kids age gap are so wide! Concurrently I’m doing P4 revision; trying to be a friend to the firstborn and learning to be a new mom to the youngest again. It’s not easy. But I wouldn’t have it other ways. 

When I was first mom to Joy, it was a lot of trials and errors. More often than not, she’s our “guinea pig”, our teacher to our parenting journey. I remember making silly mistakes like mixing her meds into her milk just so that she would finish them all. I eventually realize that is the quickest way to get a milk strike, and never again repeated that mistake. Her name fitted her so well, coz she was a joy to us. 

When I became mom the second time, it was hard. And I guess that was also the reason God made us wait for 5 years before giving us a pair of twins. Those 5 years of battling infertility, drew me closer to God. I remember questioning God, why didn’t He send us more kids, when He says “to be fruitful and multiple”. I eventually learnt that it was to shape us to be prepared, bcoz the second time isn’t going to be as easy. The sleepless nights weren’t just doubled, it felt like tripled or endless, to be honest. Not only did I felt that I was a single parent to a newborn (coz there were days when we each just took a baby), I still had to be attentive to the demands of my toddler, who was 不大不小 - independent and mature, but she’s a toddler after all, and very needy at that stage. But God guided us in every step of that arduous journey. And eventually we got the hang of it. 

- Jan 2014

- Cny 2020

Now that I’m 40s, and mom to our last baby, the feeling is complex. Happy that  I have one last baby to savour every last baby moments, but scared that we can’t provide enough time and energy to the 4 of them. I feel like an old and new mom at the same time; old bcoz the past experiences have taught us how to respond better this time round, new bcoz there are new things that weren’t popular in the past ! 

Thankful for the opportunity to be the mom of these 4 kids. I love ya all! 

Happy Mother’s Day to me! 💐🌸🌷

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