Tuesday, May 3, 2022

How do u teach a child who doesn’t uses her brain for school work? It’s challenging and frustrating and sometimes I feel defeated. Bcoz of her attitude. I’m not a tiger mom. And I don’t expect my kids to get As for their grades. I don’t even need them to get into prestigious schools. What I want is I hope they adopt a willing attitude, to learn, not for exams but for knowledge.

Not going to lie that the extended long weekend has been nothing but exhausting. Trying to iron out every little topic. It has always been “out of sight, out of mind”.. mayb bcoz the firstborn has always been hardworking and ASK whenever she meets problems in her work. But the same doesn’t apply to the younger kids. Then suddenly I realize how weak their foundations are. I’m tired. 

How do I correct ATTITUDE? It’s okie if my kids don’t understand and we try together. But it’s not okie when they sulk / whine / be rude when things don’t meet their way. I’m learning also. Learning to be more patient. 

And all these frustrations just result in me binge eating / snacking so much that I could feel my clothes being tighter.. argh… shall go start my swimming again tomorrow. 

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