Sunday, October 24, 2021

Happy 5th mths!


Happy 5 mths old my dear Joash ! I love your smile! 

At 5mths old, you have started to sleep for longer hours and on good days, you can zzz from 8pm-7am. I pray that we will see more of such good days happening. You love to show us yr newfound flipping skills and would keep flipping once we put u on yr playmat. 

Your all time favourite teether is still this Mushie ball despite mama having bought so many other cute ones to try. 

You are drinking on average abt 150ml per feed though there are some feeds where u like to drink in installments. You love going to yr infant care, for which I’m so thankful for. Coz your teachers say you drink and nap v well in school. Could we also get to see those skills when u r home too? 

Being the youngest in the family has its perks too. My mama has allowed me to sleep on her bed whenever I want to; watch TV with my sisters (even when I’m feeding) as well as being loved and doted by my 3 wonderful sisters. 

I love you my dear son and I pray that you will always be reminded of our love to you. I pray that we will have the patience and energy to guide you thru every step of ur learning journey and that you will grow up to be a man for God ! 

You are a gift from God and we pray that you will grow up to be a healthy and useful man for God. 

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