Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Giving Thanks

Something happened and made me very distracted. I thought I should list down 10 things that I'm thankful for in 2021, to remind myself how blessed I am.

1) Arrival of Joash

- This has to be one of the big events for me/us in 2021. God sending Joash to us, the little bundle of joy and his smiles. To be honest, Joash has been very good to us. He's an easy child, soft temperament and rarely cries. He loves his hugs and cuddles. His smiles melts my heart. How does someone so small, occupy such a big space in my heart and life? 

I never thought that I would get married at 25 and went on to have 4 beautiful children. If you were to ask me when I was in my early 20s, I wouldn't even be able to imagine getting married! So yeah, I'm thankful that God has given these people into my lives. My life is complete and full with them. 

2) My Soulmate, my BFF, my first Love
- I've said this a thousand times, and I will say another thousand times if needed. He completes me. He is the reason why I can focus 100% at work, why despite me NOT having a lot of common sense, is not malfunctioning.. hahaha.. and I thank God for sending him to me in my life. I just pray that his health would improve now that Joash is more settled down in his school. 

3) My girls reaction to the new addition
- After experiencing Joy's reaction when the twins arrived, I know that its not always that the bigger kids welcome the new addition. And I should not expect that either. So I'm thankful that the girls have been exceptional towards Joash. They have love him abundantly, and eagerly offering help (though it's not always helpful help..haha.. but I will take it!)

4) Joash & IFC
- So thankful that Joash went into his IFC easily. He sleeps and drinks well there, his teachers love him, and he loves going to his school. So super thankful. Coz this allows us to be able to rest, to spend time with the girls, and run some errands during the day time.

5) Work
- 2021 zoom past in a flash. The office texted me earlier to inform me that I've cleared TOT by end september.  Honestly, I don't remember working much after May. Things were so hectic, and I was always so lack of sleep. If you asked me how I did my TOT in 2020, I know how I did it. But 2021, I had no idea. I can only say its 100% by God's grace. His favour. And a lot of help from Joleen & love from my clients. 

6) Financial Freedom
- I'm thankful that we are comfortable. I can choose not to work if I want to. I can choose to take a slower pace, so that I can rest, and so that William can rest too. To say that I'm slowing down till end of the year sounds so wrong, because I don't even think I've started working much since May! But yes, I'm thankful that I have the luxury of choosing not to work, that I don't need to worry that the bills and cashflow go haywire. I enjoy very much my work still, just that having the freedom to choose is an extra bonus, for which I'm thankful for.

7) Residence
- I'm thankful that we manage to find this current rented place. The girls are happy that they have their own rooms, William is happy that the kitchen is finally big enough. There are times when I will still itchy backside go see if there's "better" units avail for rent, coz we got this place in a rush. As in, Minton lease hasn't even expired, and we already confirmed this! So we ended up paying both places for 4 mths. But it is what it is. There's no "what if.." 
- I just pray for God's wisdom to be upon me, so that we know if we should continue this renting arrangement or look for a house to stay permanently when this lease expires.

8) Staycations!
- The choos are going for 2 staycations in Nov and Dec! I'll see if I can book a cruise if possible. Since not going to work much for this quarter, then might as well make the best of it and enjoy these beautiful moments with the kids and family!

9) Car
- Thank God that we  gotten our car earlier this year. The COE has gone up by almost $20K in a couple of months! oh my god!

10) Health
- Thank God that the girls and I have good health. So does my parents. Praying that William's health be sorted out soon!

That's all for now. Thankful that I have so much. Going to get my lunch at minton coffeeshop.. one of the last few weeks before I ever come back here again.. hahaha.. 

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. - John 16:24

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