Sunday, May 30, 2021


Following my emo post yday, with a heavy heart, I finally decided to just do pumping. The first 24 hrs went by very well, with me having good sleep in beteeen pumps. In fact , I seem to have more time and energy during the day as well, even manage to do a bit of work today.. lol.. 

I did also latch J twice today.. though it couldn’t be considered as serious.. it’s just before his scheduled feeding time but he was alrdy fussy liaoz.. still pain but becoz no expectations / stress, so I was happy.. 

The other two girls came back today.. Vera was super excited to see baby J..and Grace was more than happy to brief Vera on the Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to caring for the little man. 

The little Mei Mei isn’t that little anymore.. 

Joy on the other hand was just more than happy to update us on her life during these 10 days break.. and I don’t know what came to me, but I asked her anyway.. if she would like to try to carry the little man, and her reply was “sure!” .. honestly I was pretty surprised , but thankful that I asked. She carried him for a while, and baby J tried to latch her.. hhahaha .. so funny .. I hope this is a good start but I guess we will see in the days to come. 

Gotten be an exciting week coz the whole kampung is dinner time, I was exhausted from all the noises.. and thankfully that I’ve switched to pumping .. I can’t imagine if I still had to latch etc .. lol.. 

Thankful for these beautiful moments .. thankful for a bunch of girlfriends who are always around to listen to my emos.. tomorrow is a fresh day and God is with us in this household !

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