Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Exciting times

255am - wide awake. Been awake since 1am after feeding Joash. He’s coming in again at 4am and I really should have zzzz in between the feeds but somehow tonight it’s so tough to fall asleep. 

Probably because we are going home in a few hrs. It’s like these few days have been nice, some sort of like a vacation where there’s only the 2 of us plus the 3hrly baby.. hahaha .. but after we head home, we wil have all the different duties / hats that we wear.. I’m back to being a mama for 4 kids while not only is he the papa of our household, he’s also the “marketing manager”, my “CL”, the chauffeur for everyone, the problem solver for all big and small things. 

The hospital prepared a special celebratory menu to commemorate our “graduation”.

Cocktails came at 4pm.. wow, it’s even fancier than the afternoon tea we had during our staycation at Intercontinental recently. 

Dinner came at 6pm 

Trying to take a cheeky selfie.. hahaha.. 

It’s also over dinner that I could sense his nervousness. And I asked him if he was more stressed this time round or the last round when we had a toddler, and a pair of newborns with no help. He was my CL then and many more. His reply caught me by surprise. He said it was definitely this time round. Despite the fact that we had a helper and our girls are older, simply becoz we are older, and the emotional needs of our girls cannot be neglected. Back then it was just me and joy emotion needs but now we have 4 女人 plus his mama who has been quite challenging also..back then, we were younger and simply bulldozed thru the challenge.

For the first time, I could see fear in my man’s eyes. I’m glad he was honest with me. And honestly, there isn’t anyone who I would go down this route with other than him. Told him that if really needed, we could order last min confinement tingkat, or I could just eat the normal food. There isn’t any hard and fast rules n we just need to be each other’s pillar of support. 

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