Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The big move

Struggling to decide if I should open this as a supper snack.. lol.. its the first night in our new place.. the whole of Dec flew past in a flash.. there are still a couple of boxes that we need to unpack, things that we need to buy for the new place, and cleaning up jewel before we lease it out.. tonnes of things to do but we are so thankful that we managed to pull it thru.. that at least the logistics would b easier for them to go school tomorrow..
our iron man has just started his iron duties.. 

Thank God that we managed to find this place. Even though it wasnt our #1 choice, but God knows what's best for us and we will take this as the best for us. We are still figuring out what we need to get for the place; e.g. the kind of cupboards we should get for storage; should we get good proper ones or just flimsy kind to tahan for the 2 yrs; should we change our dining table coz the old one seems so tiny in the big space now etc..

our shoes bcoz we havent gotten a shoe cabinet.. hahaha.. we also havent gotten our tv yet... hahaha..I'm seriously deciding not to, bcoz they have been squabbling over which program to watch tv = no quarrel?

Thank God for our superman, William, who has been the main person doing the packing and unpacking. This is the first time I'm around when we shift. The last move, I was overseas with Joy and by the time we got back, we were alrdy staying at Jewel. I'm a visual person so a lot of things I cant imagine unless I see it in place.. lol.. but he knows exactly what to get and where to place etc.. to which I'm so thankful for him in our lives..

I hope I can fall asleep tonight.. coz I rem I struggled to fall asleep the first time at jewel too.. and I'm excited abt Joy and her new school too...praying that she adapts well to the environment there; that she learns to balance the 10 subjects workload; thankfully sec 1 no more exams! Hahhaha... yeah! Praying that she meet nice people who will treat her well and forge long term friendships! 

So many things to be thankful of.. new yr, new start for everyone.. happy 2020!

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