Thursday, March 28, 2019

Succumb to emotional eating today.. had mee rebus for breakfast, udon for lunch, potato chips at 9pm and OCK curry puff at 11plus (supper). Omg ! I hadn't had so much carbs in a day since dunno when. Mr choo was surprised he caught me munching the chips on our CCTV (coz I had been quite strict on the no food after 8pm rule). I feel so bloated and full now. I know I will face the consequences Tom morning when I weigh. Feeling so guilty and shitty 😫

I told him I was stressed but honestly I aren't sure what I'm stressed about. Haiz.. maybe becoz the period is coming so the hormones are going crazy. Maybe its the time when the period comes that is making things stressful. (It should arrive the day I fly for Norway.. sianz max). Or maybe its bcoz work has been quiet, so quiet that I have a couple of days where I could just stay at home the entire day. And the fact that I will b away for another 9 days is not helping much. Arghh.. as much as I try to be excited about the trip, I can't. It's hard for me to kick start back the engine after each trip. Mayb by the end of all these travelling, I would be left with no one else to meet for work. Mayb it's time to find another job.

*uncle choo just certified that certainly my period is coming soon since I'm so easily irritable now.😫😫😫

Leaning and praying to the Lord that He will make all things right and that He will never put us in any circumstances that is too much for us to handle. Praying for peace and the ability to enjoy the pockets of free time be it with the family or with Him. Praying for wisdom and patience for my work and when I'm with the kids. I love what I do for a living. I love my kids. But I cant always cope with the uncertainties. Praying for complete surrender onto Him and may the Lord guide me and point me to whichever way His will says. - Amen!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13 NLT

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