Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Picked the twins and uncle choo from their sleepover camp in sch.. went home to pack for the staycation and drop gigi at her pet hotel before finally coming over here.. and thus began our 5D4N staycation with the kids..

*bought the clothes at huahin.. they are so soft to wear

*Dinner @ HRC

Had dinner at uncle choo fav restaurant and we had to wait for 45 mins for a table bcoz I had forgotten to make a reservation. Had taken for granted that it would always be empty but the sch hols kinda mean every eatery here is full.. lol.. but u know he wanna eat there when he offered to let the girls have pop corn and llao llao just so that we could wait for our tables.. oh well.. it's the hols so rules can bend la..

*beginning of sweet treats

*the man and his 3 princesses

And I'm glad that we came here .. hahaha.. the band sang him a song for his bday! So cool! Listened a couple of oldies before he agreed that the music was too loud and we headed back.. 

Brought the girls for slappy cakes in the morning.. mr choo left bcoz he has a wedding lunch today and I was on my own with the girls.. I'm glad I survived..  

*playing tic tac toe

We went to vivo for some shopping, have lunch before coming back to the hotel for a swim. Mr choo only came back abt 6pm. I told him that he could chill with his relatives since we were going for a swim. I know that if it's the past, I would go berserk by 3pm. The judgemental me would start screaming and killing him many times in my brain..lol.. but I've changed and for the better, which I'm glad. Joy helped a great part today, in ensuring my sanity. The bath tub helped too..hahahaha.. 放开了,所以开心多了。。。
We had Texas chicken (comfort food!) for dinner and I ko before 930pm..lol.. have been sleeping so early for thr last 2 nights..  

*waiting to enter adventure cove (AC)

Thank God for the beautiful weather today. Coz it was the only day we could go AC. We did lots of rides but becoz the last trip here wasnt too long ago, Joy and grace knew which rides they wanna do and which they would avoid it entirely. My task today was mainly to help them q for some of them so that they could take more. In exchange, joy would do the rides with grace la.. 

*their #1 fav ride - rocket 

*our baby in the family could also take this by herself too..

*she took 7 times of this


We decided to stop by late afternoon coz all of us were exhausted and baked like red lobsters, despite the tonnes of sunblock I lathered on the girls.. 

*ice cream to end the day aka in order for them to agree to leaving the place la..

Dinner followed by more llao llao..lol.. went back to the room and all are fast asleep except me.. thus this entry..lol.. thankful for the time to spend with my loved ones..  and may God grant us patience and wisdom to continue to love and cherish one another..

* the big and small trumpet had their orchestral the whole of last night making me hard to zzz 😭😭😭

*more sweets!

We went for more swimming the next few days.. the weather has been crazy hot, but its certainly better than rainy.

*@ Sanrio Fun Fest

*the blazing sun

The girls did all the bouncing castles this morning bcoz the q were short. Respect the teens who were the game coordinators. They were patient with the kids and made sure water was sprayed on them to prevent burns if any.

And we had to dip into the pool one last time, before saying goodbye to the hotel and the end of this holiday. Thankful for the beautiful weather and time spend with the kids, to be able to enjoy the sun, sand and sea.

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