Friday, November 16, 2018

P1 Orientation

一眨眼今天是小朱们的 P1 orientation. 感觉时间真的过的好快,仿佛昨天我们才和乐萱来参加她的 P1 orientation.  现在的她已经小五了,很早就到学校准备今天的活动。看到今天的她,我很感动,也很感谢学校这些年对她的教育。

Yesterday Grace had a spike in fever at the late afternoon. We decided to bring her to kkh (just to make sure) and Joy took up the task of bringing Vera out for dinner. When we got back, they had already had their dinner, bought breakfast for the next day and even showered. Vera even told me that when they reached the coffeeshop, she suddenly had to poop. Joy had to bring her to the toilet, ask for tissue paper from a stranger (coz they didn't bring) and rushed back to the coffeeshop to jaga the food in case the cleaner kept it away. I was shocked that the small task turned out to be an adventure. Both of them didn't think too much of it, but me the emo mama, couldn't help but be proud of both of them.

Thankful for the many blessings that the Lord has showered upon our family. And may the twins enjoy their next phrase of life as much as their big jiejie.

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