Friday, November 16, 2018

Life without wheels

The replacement car came yday (FINALLY!!), almost 1 mth since the accident happened. I thought I wouldn't say this but having gone car-less for 4 weeks, I've concluded that we probably need the car much more than I thought.

Though it is still a lot easier to commute by public to office and a  few places, there are also a couple of places where car-less is an issue. E.g. picking up Grace mid day from her childcare for her kkh follow ups or when she had the high fever a few days ago and had to be picked up...we try to take public (not cabs) most of the time and let the kids experience what life is without a car.

The car repairs are still in the midst of it. If we are fortunate, we would be able to see her before 2019.

Nevertheless, this encounter has at least confirm that we are still car-dependent, at least til it expires. I hope it also allow the girls to appreciate the "tiny" car they have, (Coz they were pretty upset when we downgraded to this car) coz it beats having no car. Probably will aim to go car-lite and hopefully we can achieve car-less by the next cycle.

P/s: the replacement car is only for 10 days before we go back to normal. But at least we can finally bring the newspapers to Ikea for recycling; gigi to the vet; return the luggage to my mama and I have a packed working week so the car will come in handy.. thankful!

Looking forward to our staycation with the kids end Nov and our mini moon in Dec!

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