Saturday, April 21, 2018


"Given a choice, I rather order a cake fr outside."

That was what i told him.. I had enough of him always scrabbling to complete the cakes til the wee hrs each time we had a bday celebration. Why can't he have a better projection of the time he needs ? And he has been baking fr 11am til 7pm and when we came to pick him up for dinner, I asked him casually if he had completed all of it, his reply was " there s still a lot left to b done, of coz."

I was peeved. Coz obviously , I had seen the sponges cakes baked after i came back with the kids after lunch. When we woke up fr our naps, I saw even more of it... how many is he even intending to make ? Didn't we agree on a small party ? Never mind. I volunteered to fetch the girls to church so that he could finish up n meet us for dinner. I thought 4 more hrs would b enough for him to finish assembling the cake and start on the cupcakes. Vera didn't wan to have the same cake as Grace and had chosen cupcakes with the baby shark theme. Picked him up for dinner and asked him his progress.. he said that the cake was creamed but not decorated yet. Cupcakes project not started.

Imagine my shock. Settled the girls for bedtime. The OCD me had alarms ringing all over my head. That is why I'm not supportive of his bakes. Bcoz he always always have problem managing TIME. Each time few days before the impt bake, I will urge him to at least get his raw ingredients ready in advance , check if he needed to top up any of his baking items etc but he would assure me that he knows what to Do. And each time I will believe him. That he knows best since this is his area of specialization. If it takes so long , why not start earlier ? I volunteer to print the baby shark images for the cupcakes but he say he will settle. If it takes so long, why did he even bake a cake for cellgrp on Fri? I've never like to micromanage but each experience always says otherwise.

He says that progress is slow bcoz of our tiny kitchen and he needed to clean and pack up so that we won't come back home to a messy and oily house. Told him perhaps it's best that we move back to the old place so that he can have a proper kitchen to do his work while the rest of the house is not "messed" up. I mean seriously, I don't mind staying at either place. But he was the one who said tiny house has it's merits. Whatever la.

Why not order a cake fr outside? Why am I freaking out ? Bcoz each time he spend the nights baking away, he lacks rest and his ears start ringing, his head start spinning and he starts falling asleep while driving.

It's hard to be encouraging of his bakes when episodes like this happen each time. The CG friends say I must be so fortunate to have a baker at home. But truth be told, he has never bake casually or spontaneous. It has always been for the celebrations. I actually had hoped tat after haven bakery was closed, he could still do some leisure bakes.. the kind with no deadline but at his own leisure, not during the wee hrs at night.

Yes I understand that the papa wants to do a nice cake for his beloved daughters. But lack of sleep also meant more irritable and I'm sure the girls would kena fr him tomorrow bcoz of today's OT. I'm not sure if the cake or the scolding would leave a deeper impression in their minds subsequently.

#rants #midnightbaking #bakerwifedunneedsleep

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