Saturday, April 28, 2018

6 yrs already !?

And it is twins 6th bday today.. been feeling full of emotions this past week.. they are 6! How time flies.. 

I vividly remember this pic.. the day just before I was admitted to hospital. The big belly, the pain from carrying it and lack of sleep certainly didn't show in this pic..hahaha.. was still working that day, not knowing that the next day routine check up would mean meeting the twins!

The delivery was easy as it was a c-sec as advised by the gynae given the risks involved back then. I was more concerned if one of them would b a special needs child more than how I delivered them.

The twins still at the operating theatre..vera on the left while Grace on the right.. 

D+1 Vera on top, Grace below..

It was tough in our first yr with them. We had joy, who was still a preschooler (and struggling with her many emotions); and a pair of infants who would wake up at different timings for their feeds! I remember telling my friends that we almost died during the first mth cox Grace was a 2hrly bb while Vera was a 3hrly bb. And if we gave them their last feed at midnight, Grace would wake up at 2am, while Vera at 3am, followed by Grace at 4am and both would meet together at 6am! This is not even counting the time I take to pump, or the occasional time when Joy wakes up feeling sick etc.. whenever I think back, I thank my blessings that we survived the whole of it. If anything, it made our marriage stronger than before. I guess God certainly wanted to prepare us  for what we prayed for, and thus the twins only came 5 yrs after joy came into our lives.

Us slinging one of them each.. our fav way of bringing them out..

I remember using my legs to rock them to sleep while I'm pumping on the sofa.. papa choo was on the way to pick joy fr her childcare back then. . How did we manage , I don't know.. hahah..

Their 1 yr bday party, to celebrate more of "our graduation" than their bdays... hahah.. it was hard to get a photo where every one was focused.. haha.. 

Their PG days at mindchamps.. those cheeks.. so tempting to squeeze them..hahaha

Their smiles.. made all the tiredness worth it (*I guess)

Them at 2.5 yrs old..

Us at a playground dunno where..hahaha.. love their long hair.. twins at 3.5yrs old ..

Us last yr when papa choo went camping with joy.. can't rem why Grace was so grumpy..

The choo family celebrating the twins bday at mac last week.. seeing all the pics made me feel so blessed.. some of the twins friends parents saw joy that day and say that "我熬过来了"。。 I guess so.. I'm sure there will b new challenges but as long as God is with us, we will manage it thru !

A close up of the 3 tier cake that papa choo made for his 2 princesses..The cake we quarrelled abt.. hahahah..


  1. omg the cake! no wonder he took so long so much effort! and u two are superhuman!! i will cry if i hv a pair of twins now hahaha

    1. Hahaha..ya.. the cake.. omg.. and i wonder why theres a need for such a huge cake for a simple the end we blessed the staff at Mac with the cake coz there were so much left..

      On the twins: don't worry.. God will only give us a task that we could handle.. hahahaha...

  2. Wow ! 6 years already! Totally agree with you, all the smiles make all the chaos and sleepless nights worth it! 😗😗
