Thursday, September 14, 2017

Holiday..yes? No?

Mr choo texted me this afternoon telling me that it's Deepawali on 18th, and asked if I knew about it, to which I said yes.

Only after coming home did i finally pierce the jigsaw together. I told him, Omg! So it means joy has no school from 18th all the way to 24th!?? He gave me a puzzled-i thought u know look.. haha... I told him tt yes i knew 18th was a ph, and the kids are don't have school from 19-24th (psle marking day), but I just didn't connect them together..  🤣🤣🤣

That means it's a long week of break ! And since it's the off peak, a holiday would be kinda discounted yeah.. checked out the SQ  tickets to HK and it's like $250/pax!! So cheap! My mind was like already calculating the estimated cost for this and that etc.. I know right.. for someone just declare that she doesn't like travelling.. what am i doing!?? Well, exactly bcoz I don't like travelling, so doing it at a discount off peak season sounds more sensible than doing it smack in the super peak Dec hols..

But joy isn't keen at all..hahaha.. Coz she would have her major exams right after the extended hols and she wants to revise... argh.. I even thought of the different permutations like she could bring her textbooks along, or we could go without her, or William could juz bring twins etc..coz twins nv went on a holiday without joy while joy has been to countless trips without but won't that be too evil ?! And too discouraging? Like nv support her for her exams revisions like that.. I was more keen on papa bring twins while I stay behind with joy .. haha..though the main reason why we always like going to HK is bcoz some of our closest friends are there and we haven't met for several yrs.. 

So yes the struggle / temptation is real..  but I guess no, we are not going.. not bcoz I believe in the whole - muz focus on revision story; (im sure thr kid needs a break in thr midst of thr revision right..)
but simply bcoz we should stay tog as a family la and I need to save up .. hahahah..

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