Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Family time

We went to Gardens by the Bay two nights ago..had wanted to bring the girls to the skywalk coz Joy has been asking for it for some time. And the last time we came over, it was closed for maintainence. 

It was beautiful, the lights and mid autumn decorations. We had to queue for about half an hr before it was our time to go up. 

We took many many selfies while waiting in the queue, and this is one of them.. Vera and her 鬼脸😜 

The twins sitting at the entrance of the queue, while waiting for us to reach. 看着她们的背影, 这是的我感觉到欣慰。我们终于熬过来了。虽然小时候的她们终是打个你死我活,现在的她们已经变成了好姐妹, at least for this moment in time. 😊

至少我还可以跟老公一起拍个照。。看他一头的白发。。他说不要染以为这样会看起来比较老, 我看起来比较年轻。。🤣🤣

The scenery while we were on the sky bridge.. it's beautiful isn't it? Thankful that we are living in this beautiful country, with good governance and stability. Thankful that we have the chance to appreciate what's around us, and spend time with the kids, not busying with whatsnot.. time to love the kids and not breathing down their necks to do homework etc...

May we always have time to appreciate the things in life, to teach the girls the purpose of life.. 

P/s: by the time we came down the sky bridge, it was too crowded and the kids started to fuss abt everything.. abt the hot weather, that they are hungry etc.. 🤣🤣🤣
Guess we still need some fine-tuning.. hahahaha...

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