Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Why don't I like travelling?

Why don't I like travelling? I think I must be the weird person coz it seems that I'm the only one who doesn't enjoy travelling. The only person that I know who has the same sentiments as me is the spouse of one of my friends. But that's about it.

不知道从何时开始就不爱旅行也对出国一点兴趣也没有。身旁的朋友都觉得我很奇怪. The thing is as much as I don't enjoy it, I find it more of a chore to explain/reason/whatever why I don't like. Was just telling mr choo last night that some people like fried rice and others might like char siew rice, then since all could hv their preferences in their food then why can't I not like traveling? Anyway I've decided to list down the reasons why so many of my friends say they enjoy traveling and provide an insight of why I don't. 

Reasons why people travel

1) Experience and see the diff places of attraction ; experience the diff cultures etc 
  • Me: I probably have "visited" so many places via my social media and live feeds over the past few yrs coz so many of my friends are posting it on their social media. (I'm not complaining) And bcoz of this, I get to see all the sites of attractions even without going to the destinations. To get those postcard perfect pictures, I think downloading on the web is a lot easier. Coz more often than not, when u reach the place, it's so crowded with tourists that it's challenging to get a picture without having someone photobombing it. 
  • As for experiencing cultures, I seriously feel that we can only experience the true culture if we are going to stay there for a longer period of time, e.g. 1 mth. Anything shorter, u probably juz capture the touristic places and the people u encounter are probably people working in those places too. Hardly a true reflection. 

2) Eat the diff cuisines that are avail etc
  • I happen to stay in sg and most of the typical cuisines are avail in sg, pretty authentic ones too. Like the Japanese, Korean, western, French etc.. especially with globalization, a lot of big food chains can be found here too. Yes, it might be more expensive but if one factor the cost of flying + accommodation + transport , it probably is a lot cheaper here. 
3) Shopping
  • I used to get this as a main reason all the time. But now, with globalization, one can find uniqlo/ sephora and some of the big brands that weren't here 10 yrs ago. Every country that I've visited in recent yrs hv such places la..not forgetting websites like Amazon, taobao, qoo10 and even a website where u can get people to help u buy and bring back (can't rem what it's call), I can't think of anything that is not available here. 
4)Getaway to relax
  • I find it most relaxing at home where u don't need to fret over which places to go or how to get to the hotel/tour place. 
5) Don't need to think about work
  • I believe when it's time to switch off, its time to switch off la. I don't need to escape to overseas to switch off la. I take "leave " off my work all the time and I don't need to be overseas to do that. 
6) Don't need to take care of kids
  • Honestly , between traveling with or without kids, I prefer the former. The only reason why I'm still traveling with kids is bcoz even though I don't enjoy it, the girls love it and it brings joy to me when I do something they enjoy. 
7) Other reasons
  • Then i also have reasons why i don't like traveling. Etc flying on long distance is a pain , I can't zz well on flights, the jet lag. I also can't zz well when the beds/pillows are too soft. It annoys me to buy those touristic souvenirs/排色品. I've bought my fair share of them in my younger days and over the years, they all land into the trash. Having studied in Europe for some time also means that I've visited many of the Eu countries when i was young. 
Mr choo also reminded me that it's also bcoz we travelled a lot before the kids came, which is also true. We travelled like almost every mth or other mth. But then again,10 yrs ago, globalization wasn't everywhere. Lol.. so ya.. I probably hit my travelling quota during that time. I'm glad I realize my dislike now even though I wished I knew it earlier.

#Notetoself #muzrem #saynototraveling

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