Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My birthday celebration

My birthday came and pass.. faster than i thought. I've decided to blog abt my special day/special occasions since last year in an attempt to remember it when the yrs passed.

This yr, I told mr choo specifically that I would like to do a bbq for my bday. I've decided Since the result of last yr,that it would b better to b specific rather to leave it to surprises..hahah.. Anyway I also figured that I only see the 🐔 every 12 yrs so it make sense to do what I want. Lol.. but the guests for the bbq, I had a hard time deciding. Do i want to invite a lot of people , or juz specific clicks and chill out or juz my family? In the end I decided to call my family this yr mainly bcoz I don't feel like socialising on my I know I'm weird but yes I was lazy to wear the social hat, esp on my special day. Was also concerned that if I invited too many people, Mr choo would have difficulties organizing the whole thing given how big our fridge is currently. Lol..

It was nice to have the family come , and though there were hiccups here n there, it was nice.. to juz sit by the pool and chat and gossip .. the kids could swim and eat and repeat that the whole night..
My extended family, kids not in sight..

My pretty mama and little sista who's going to start work the next day, thereby embarking on adulthood.

I did have a cake this year! Yeah! Not sure if it was bcoz of the bbq or bcoz of my outburst last yr.. this yr he did something safe! Lol.. chocolate banana mousse cake, with strawberries on top and kit Kat around the circumference. My fav cake. Haha.. the kids nv like this combi but I hardly was my cake.. hahahah.. only for the queen.

On my actual day, it was mama duties. We brought the kids out since it was the school hols coz it's youth day ! Haha.. Anyway, we visited the national gallery.

The man and his princess

It's hard to try and make everyone look picture perfect.. 

My best friend, soul mate, father of my girls..

Trying hard to balance on the motorcycle..

When everyone was still in happier moods..

Almost the end of the National Gallery tour.. educational and fulfilling. Probably will go there again before it ends..

Everyone enjoyed themselves and it was an eye opener too.. we continued with gardens by the bay but guess we were too ambitious.. the girls were too tired by then and both Vera and Grace had breakdowns at diff times at the end.

Battery running flat for the

Had to cut short the outing and head home. Everyone was tired I guess.. went home for shower before going for swensens for dinner.. simple dinner plus there's the free ice cream if it's yr actual day. Yes, the Choos take all these little things into consideration, in making our dining experience as pleasurable as cheap thrills for short.

My wish this year is for everyone to be healthy. I know it sounds cliche, but having seen many incidents have made me realise that with only with gd health, are we able to accomplish the dreams we want to achieve. Thankful for all the beautiful moments I have on earth, may God grant me the chance to touch the lives of others while I'm here.

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