Friday, February 1, 2013


Today joy came back with homework for her journal writing. The topic is " What do I want to be ..."

I went thru the topic with her n asked her what would she like to b? And her reply? She asked me what was my job ! This came as a pleasant surprise coz I rem asking her a few years bk n her reply was " To be a baker like papa." I patiently explain the title of my occupation n what it covers; to which she says she wanna do exactly what mummy is doing now! Haha.. Nice n heartwarming to know Tt my girl wanna be "me" when she grows up though I know Tt its still too early to say. I know I wanted to be a lawyer when I was 5, but I changed to a dozen others as I grew older . Haha.. Doesn't this happen to all of us? :p

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