Thursday, January 24, 2013

To hold or not?

Time suddenly flew past so fast that it just seem yesterday when we were still doing the hectic 2-3hrly night shifts. Oh my God, the twins are growing up so fast and I wished that time could stop for a while, for me to breathe and enjoy this moment.

Now that they are 9months already, the thought of holding their 1 year old party starts lingering in my mind. To hold or not? As usual, me being me, I shall list all in point forms for easy digestion.

1) We did it for JOy and so naturally, we should do it for the twins
2) We only need to hold one party, but we can celebrate two persons bday!
3) Its more for us, to celebrate our sanity over this past year. Looking back, I really don't know how we manage to survive. The crazy nights, the constant cryings, plus the sick days... everything.. i'm surprised we haven't got to killing each other yet..hahaha..
4) Who doesn't love PARTIES!!!!

1) It's a HASSLE, from the organizing of it, to the troubling of people to come...
2) The thought of having to entertain some of Uncle Pig's relatives is a huge turnoff..

can't really recall the No reasons for now.. it didnt seem so limited initially.. hmm, well we shall see la... vera is screaming her lungs out, so shall stop for now.. she's my little princess.. smiley and crying all the time...

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