Thursday, November 1, 2012

- Posted on 21st Oct -

Penang trip

Abt 2-3 months ago, my mom suggested that she bring Joy to Penang, together with her company employees. After discussing with Uncle Pig, we decided that it was time for the whole village to embark on their first ever family trip! Yesh! When the twins are barely 6mths, the Choos are flying!

The decision back then was because its been almost 2 yrs since our last trip with Korea being our last trip and a last min cancelled HK due to my eye operation. We wanted to finally bring Joy overseas again, since she has always loved to travel or maybe it was the delight from the in flight entertainment .

Now, almost 1 week before the trip, I certainly was not looking forward to it.. Dunno how we r gonna manage the flight , the budget flight (yesh, we r flying budget!) esp since with the arrival of Joy , we have never flew a budget flight before, not counting the ad hoc hours that Vera is zz nowadays plus the need to sneak in a few pumping sessions in the midst of a package tour! It does seem a handful , but William and joy are so looking forward to it, such that the enthuasium does spill over to me too. Well, like wat I tell some of my friends, it's only for 3 days and we will pull through it all. :p

2 days prior the trip, and the twins are plagued with a fever due to a vaccination jab, with Grace having diarrhea as well. In fact, her diarrhea continued throughout the trip. Plus Joy came down with a super high fever on the end of the first night . She muz have gotten it from sch as few of her classmates have juz recovered from the fierce virus . It was the first time her fever crossed 40degrees. She went from being energetic to restless, to shivering. Despite the episode, I thank God for giving us the chance to take gd care of Joy during this trip. Looking at her now, n recalling the many times I snapped at all, it juz dawned on me that she is after all, a five yr old. Her independence has sometimes made me take her for a young adult , but she is after all a child, who yearns for the attention of her parents. Shall make it an effort not to neglect her again .

The trip was fun , despite all the many episodes. I manage to really spend 3 whole days w my family n even though I didn't get to visit much of Penang or taste their local delights , it was still fun coz it juz means that travelling was possible . N maybe next time we can go further. =p

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