Friday, November 2, 2012

6 months old

- Posted on 27th Oct 2012 -

I never thought this day would come, when the twins are finally 6 months old! Yes, it's been 6 mths since the girls entered into our lives and we've managed to survive! Yes, we survived, in the midst of hearsays that taking care of multiples can b a nightmare , but yes, we've crossed the 6 mth mark.

It wasn't a nightmare or as exhausting as I thought it would b, although yes, we do have our share of exhaustion days .

Having them thus far has been more of a dream come true, then a nightmare la. Waking up in the wee hours, n seeing them sound asleep, is pure bliss.. I think all parents agree with me tt babies look most adorable when they are asleep.. Haha..

I thought I better record some of the milestones they hv reached, before I forget abt them.

@ 6 months:

1) Drinking
- On average, Grace drinks abt 4-5 oz every 3 hourly, with a 7 oz for her closing feed. Vera, on the other hand, is still pretty volatile. She can drink 3-5 oz every 3 hourly, sometimes skipping a feed if we are outside n she's simply too distracted to think abt drinking. Both of them are drinking pretty much the same amt as when they were during the 1st mth.

2) feeding
- we started on cereal a mth ago. So far, Vera is the one who's easier to feed. She can finish abt 3 teaspoons and asking for more while Grace doesn't really enjoy the eating yet.

3) Sleeping
- Grace usually zz fr 7pm-7 am , though she's been waking up for a feed for the past two days. I hope that's only temporary. Vera , is the challenging one . She wakes up every night , not bcoz she needs to feed, but simply to chat w her papa. They would watch tv, chat n after 2 hrs, end up zz in the living room. I hope this will stop soon too

4) flipping
- Grace started to flip abt 4 mths old and is pretty gd at it now. It is no longer safe to put her on the bed, even with pillows blocking. Vera on the other hand, is not keen on flipping at all. She turns abt 90 deg and that's abt it, which I'm okie w it la..

5) Crawling
Grace has started to crawl backwards for the past 2 days with Vera only watching her sister do all the stunts

Think that's about all, gotten rush and take care of my kids for now... =p

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