Monday, August 20, 2012


-Posted on 30th jul -
Recently met up with the acquaintance at a bday party. She was the one I talked abt previously when both of us were trying at abt the same time. Time flies, my twins are alrdy 3 mths old n I could c her envious eyes when she carried my girls. I told her that she should try again and I pray for her that it will b her turn soon, to experience motherhood, to enjoy the diaper changing , the bottles feeding n sleepless nights which many, including me, has taken for granted.

In another separate incident, a close friend of mine is in the midst of her IVF cycle. It is an emo rollercoaster ride for her too, not forgetting how tiring n painful the entire experience is as well.

As I look at these two friends of mine, I juz wanna pray for both of them right now. Lord, I pray that you breathe life into their womb, that You let them conceive . Lord, you grant their desire, their desire to have children. Lord, You carry them , when they r in their lowest valleys, give them strength n courage to persevere , You give them faith, that it will b their turn soon, in Your planned timing , in Jesus name I pray, Amen

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