Monday, August 20, 2012

3 mths old

- posted on 26 Jul -
In a couple of hrs time the girls will b 3 mths old.. A relatively big milestone in my opinion. They r now much bigger, no longer the small tiny babies we brought home.

Sleep wise for the past two nights have been a blessing w both of them falling asleep fr 7pm - 6am, almost 12 hrs of zzz, with Vera waking up once for each nights. I hope that this finally means the end of pockets of zz but a longer stretch of deep zz. I do hope that at 3 mths old, we can finally kiss the UK/US timings gd bye.

Looking back, I'm thankful for God's blessings upon us, the opportunity to take care of two more princesses n hopefully more to come. (yes, I'm serious.. Haha)

I know that as time passes, they will reach many milestones n before I know it, they will no longer be dependent on us. So really muz cherish this moment, the time when they r still consider infants, before they start flipping, crawling, walking.. I hope that they take their Time to reach these steps.. Some of my frens ask how r we gonna cope when they start running ? Seriously I don't know. But I know one thing for sure - God will be with us all the way. He will guide us thru these baby steps, He will protect us and He will walk with us and even carry us in our lowest valleys.

To my 3 princesses , I pray that you will grow up to be God's people, to be honest n sincere in treating others, to help others and to be a shining torch to others. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

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