Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As the news slowly sink in n I get used to the current new countdown, I started to research on the average twin delivery timing. According to babycenter, the average delivery for twins is only 35 weeks, compared to a singleton which is bet 37-40 weeks.

Hmm.. I muz hv forgotten abt this info when I read it when we first found out we were having twins. Coz I do rem telling my friends that it's common for twins to arrive a mth earlier.. But somewhere throughout the pregnancy, I kinda forgotten abt it and was aiming for a 37/40 week pregnancy. Haha.. I guess that's juz me la.. Blur as usual. Anyway if it's countdown to 35 weeks , then I'm really left w 4 more weeks!!! So exciting! If its to 37 weeks, then it's another 6 weeks time..

Overall, now I really hope that week 35/37 come asap bcoz since the beg of last week, besides the common symptoms that I've been experiencing, I've also started to feel breathless and a serious in ability to zz.

1) Breathless
- in recent days, the breathlessness could b so serious that even having a conversation would leave me gasping for air. I seriously told Uncle Pig that I needed an oxygen tank.

2) Lack of zz
- I think it's somehow related, but bcoz of the breathlessness, every turn on the bed would leave me seriously out of breath or my heart beating so fast that I would juz wake up. It makes sleeping fearful n disruptive .

However, much as I really love to see my twins soonest possible, I'm also praying that they be here in God's timing, that they develop well inside me. Coz the earlier they r out, the higher the chance of having development complications. I guess compared w the two , not being able to zzz seems easier than they coming earlier .

Anyway while I'm still awake in the wee hours, I've also decided to end my wk earlier as scheduled. Would be tying up all the current outstanding issues and stopping wk by 1st week of apr ba.. :p

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