Thursday, February 2, 2012

Retinal Detachment : Review

After a mth since I did my operation, I'm here again for a review. I do hope it's the final review although I seriously doubt it as my vision is still blur n I've been seeing a few floaters during this past week.

Nevertheless I'm still thankful for the many things tat has occurred in this short span of 30 days.

From the initial pre-assessment of only having half of my vision for my left eye, to doing an emergency & super traumatic operation on New Year's Eve, and having to rely only on my other senses for the initial few days. I'm thankful to God for his miracle healing. It seem so long ago but its only been a mth when I couldn't even open my two eyes becoz the left eye was so swollen tat it hurt even trying to open the right one.

It was a situation whereby there's nothing much one can do except pray and ask God for protection. It was when I really felt helpless and a time when I could only look to God for peace, for help - complete reliance, just like an infant relied completely on mummy for milk.

Im also thankful for Uncle Pig, his prayers & constant caring tat help speed up the healing process. At the review today, the doctor even mentioned tat it was a test of his love for me. I don't know y he said tat, but it was true. I wouldn't have make it, if not for Uncle Pig.. 他那种无微不至地照顾和爱护,只希望我能赶快康复。我真的深深感受到了,也非常blessed他在我的身边。Actions that may sound trivial but matters so much to me.. Eg, Although it was only required to clean the eye once a day, but it was having so much discharge tat we cleaned it every few hrs, changed the dressing n he made sure the tape was "double-sided" so tat it won't hurt my face with the frequent changing of dressing. When I was well enough to stop putting on the eye patch, I rem asking him why my eye still remained so swollen n red, and I rem his reply vividly " Dear, you have not seen the worse." Indeed. According to him, for the first week after the op, my eye was red swollen and blueblack, very scary. And although the gentle giant was worried n heartbroken, he had to swollen his tears whenever he sees me, for fear tat I will realise how jialat it has become and be overly worried. It's a testimonial of being there for better or worse & how deeply blessed I am to have him as my hubby. =)

After seeing the doctor, he concluded tat I was recovering very very well such tat there was no need to see him again until July! Much as I'm puzzled why he said so, a trip back to my regular optician, Hazel, confirmed this as well. Although my degree will increase by 150 deg n my left vision will be downgraded to 6/9, both felt tat it was already much better than most patients. For this, I'm thankful. The doctor even suggested going to HK since we missed out previously! Haha.. Such a sweet doctor.. Sweet tat he remembered. I've made my new pair of glasses today and so looking forward to wearing them ! Thank God also for Hazel, who was alert n highlighted the problem. She even called me a few days ago, juz to check my recovery process, something beyond her call of duty.

Thank you also to all who prayed for me before, during and after the op. Thank you for all yr prayers and love.

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