Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy CNY!

During one of my sleepless nights, I went thru some of my past entries and stumbled upon the conversation I had with my Ah-Ma during the last CNY. It was something tat I had almost forgotten, but the main gist was on "不孝有三,无后最大。"

I had told her back then tat we were stopping at one, so as to simplify the "explanation process" on why our #2 and more weren't here yet. So much has changed since a year ago. Not tat I now have a "heir" (actually it didn't matter to me la), but the joy of going to cny gatherings n no longer having to face the pressure n questionings from "helpful" relatives was much greatly appreciated. Ultimately it was still a gift(s) from God and I'm thankful tat we didn't have to wait too long for this 2 precious gifts. I know of some of my closer friends are still trying, and my prayers are with them, tat they too get their deepest desire, in God's timing.

Anyway, during our CNY celebration in Melaka, everyone was pretty excited tat I'm expecting twins. This was bcoz I come from a family with many twins history. Haha... My mom was a twin, my paternal cousin was a twin too n whose wife juz gave birth to a pair of non-identical twins as well! So no one suspected tat mine was from IVF (not tat I would hv hide, if anyone asked.), since I had hereditary history from both sides of my family.

Well, the gd side of it was tt I could seek gd advice from these people, on taking care of multiples. But the bad side of it all, was tat they can be pretty insistent on their way of bringing up the kids too. Almost everyone i met during CNY, seems bewildered tat we r not getting either a confinement nanny or a maid to help us. We also wouldn't have help from either parents as mine are still wkg while my MIL is too old to cope w a newborn. My cousin hired a maid, a confinement nanny and a midwife to take care of his newborns while
It juz seems like we are seeking a route with no returns when we decided to juz rely only on me, uncle pig n joy.

Am I crazy to do this? Did I really think thru carefully before embarking on this decision? It juz seem so scary, esp when u talk to these people. Then why did we decide on this? Torture freaks? Control freaks? Or juz simply crazy? I like to think as having had a confinement nanny during my first delivery, was such a painful experience tat we decided to scrap tat idea altogether. I would hv preferred having a maid, but having one also means tat we tend to b more nuan n leave more things for the maid to do. Eg, if we do hv a maid, we would expect her to clear the table after we finish our meals, tidy the place etc. which currently is done by joy n uncle pig. I would want joy to grow up with initiative n not always relying on a maid or me to wear her clothes for her, tidy her room , and many more. Thats the reason why, despite all the rest we can take w the addition of another helper, we decided not to, at least for now until it really becomes unmanageable. And I'm not saying tat kids who grow up w maids tend to be spoilt, but I do know of some cases where the child really juz sits there n expect the maid/mom to do everything n tt definitely is something I don't wanna see it happening.
. I do find another friend who also had twins and didn't hv help like us coz she was staying in Europe when she delivered. And so far , she's been very assuring and encouraging. Hopefully we will be able to cope by ourselves n I don't end up killing uncle pig. :p

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