Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Hearing Aid

Today while waiting for Joy's class to end, Uncle Pig & I stumbled into a hearing clinic at the mall. It provided a free hearing analysis within 5 mins n he suggested going for it. ( I think largely bcoz recently his hearing went from bad to worse). 

The outcome: it reaffirmed with the last test we did at TTSH tat his left ear nerve was severely damaged n there was no known possible cure at the moment. So in addition to the relative loss of hearing in one ear, he would also hear the humming sound. But what they suggest alternatively is to start using a hearing aid so that it can still continue to receive the sound waves from his left ear to the brain. The rationale for doing this is so that, the brain doesn't "close" the left channel as time passes due to a long period of lack of messengers. Sounds pretty logical to me. And I was puzzled y the pple at TTSH did not offer this advice. 

So yes he would need a hearing aid. I didn't want to rush him into getting it on the spot bcoz to me, getting an aid is a BIG thing. It's bigger than getting his first pair of long sighted glasses when he was first diagnosed of 老花眼- a sign of aging. It didn't matter that the aid itself was pricey, but the main crux of it is, Uncle Pig muz be prepared to acknowledge tat his hearing has failed & it was necessary to use an aid to help him . It was like a woman agreeing to remove her breasts becoz of breast cancer- something that may seem logical but hard to do. 

While @ home, he started to research more onto the different models n brands. Apparently, at least based upon our limited research at the moment, the model that was recommended is really a very gd one, bcoz it's water proof, and comes with several modern gadgets. I'm kinda surprised how hearing aids has evolved over time with technology improvements. Looking at my gentle giant do his due analysis, my heart go out to him when he commented tat he was aging faster than his peers. I think what he was concerned about was not being an old man at 40, but if he had the abilities to continue to take care of me & the kids, with his accelerated aging. Seeing him worry, sent tears to my eyes. This is the man that has given his all for this household and even now, his main worry is still on us. 

I thank God once again for blessing me with you, and also for the random ear analysis that we juz decide to do spontaneously. I pray, Lord, that You give us the wisdom to choose the right hearing aid, & I wanna trust You Lord, that this clinic is the right clinic, one that is professional & right-priced. Lord, if it's only right for us to get a second opinion, then I pray too, for wisdom to decide on this. Lord, I wanna trust that You will help us in situation. In Jesus name I pray - Amen

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