Monday, February 6, 2012

24 weeks update

Juz as I was feeling better n feeling the feeling of in my "honeymoon" trimester last week, the backaches n lower half pains came back this week. The pains were more unbearable than the backache n I could literally feel my uterus undergoing a free fall whenever I stood up or was abt to walk. It's really time to get a maternity belt, I guess. And Thank God we didn't register for Vegas.. Coz I was feeling so gd last week that even a 14hrs flight seem achievable. 

@ 24 weeks: everything seem to be happening so fast n in another 10-12 weeks time I'm gonna be due. It's a bittersweet moment.. Sweet bcoz after all the pains n heartaches, finally we will b seeing our precious two soon.. Bitter bcoz I'm not sure if we were (or at least for me) prepared mentally, emotionally to survive the rollercoaster initial mths. I survived terribly during my first mth when I had joy, despite the fact tt Joy was an easy easy baby.. Even slipped into depression n the thought of having doubles did scare me at this moment. My only consolation was tat we r no longer first time parents, thus we will b more experienced n able to cope. But bcoz things happened so long ago, honestly, I can't really rem how to take care of an infant! Hopefully William is not like me! Just have to trust God for his protection upon my household, and tat He provide helpers for us in times of need, and give us wisdom in taking care of the little ones.. Thank God for everything He's made possible. -amen

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