Thursday, December 15, 2011

My first day as a full time mama 

Joy came down with flu early this morning. Despite waking up at 7am, she continued to zz after her milk feed. Uncle pig allowed her to zz for another hr before attempting to wake her up again. The plan was to still bring her to sch as he has a heavy baking schedule for the next few days. But I didn't have the heart to wake her up. And unlike the usual mild flus tat she always had, this seemed a little stronger, even on the 2nd day. So I suggested tat Uncle Pig head for work while I will bring her to c the PD later n most likely take her for the whole day. 

He was pretty worried for me coz I don't usually cope well with kids. Not tat I dislike them, it's juz tat I always feel stressed as to how to entertain them for the entire day. Yes, it sounds pretty weird right? Tat even though Joy is such an easy child, I will be afraid too.. And even though Joy's 4 yrs old, I've never took care of her for the entire day. Yes, the entire day! I don't know wat sounds more scary; having nv really taken care of her in the past 4 yrs by myself (blush blush) ; or spending the next 20 over hrs w her alone,with no lifelines..  I've brought joy out, with friends and their kids, or even shopping alone w her.. But those r events tat r planned, and I juz needed to execute them. But this morning, I juz wanted her to rest. 

The morning went by pretty easily. We went to the PD and the plan was to have lunch after tat with my mom, followed by a nap back home. I managed to reschedule my appts too so tat I didn't have to rush to the appts w her although Joy would love to go with me and I do bring her along, for some of the clients I'm closer to. 

After we reached home, I quickly fed her med, change her and prepare for nap. Yes, NAP! A pretty daunting task for me coz I've never made her zz for ages and she seldom take naps nowadays even in sch.. And I manage to make her zz! Despite the fact tt she made many many visits to the toilet, some fussing here n there , she's sleeping soundly now as I'm completing this entry. 

It's satisfying tat things could b tat easy, and not as daunting as I've imagined. Proud of myself, even though I know this is just a normal routine for some of my SAHM friends.. Hehe.. Wondering y did I take so long to do this.. 

Shall stop here n go back to zz w her and when she's awake, we shall go for dinner before meeting uncle pig! It really is simple yeah.. I love myself today.. Haha

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