Monday, December 19, 2011

Gynae's Visit

Went to the gynae today with Joy and Uncle Pig for our scan. Sitting at the ever familiar couch, it just seemed yesterday when we were going for our first consultation and right now, we are already mid-way towards our pregnancy. How a span of 6mths would have changed our lives so much, unexpectedly. It just seem recently, when I was trying to come to terms with myself of not being able to conceive again, and even now, everyday, I would wonder if the twins heartbeat would continue beating? I would not be able to sleep the night before the gynae's appt, for fear that I might get a rude shock during the scan. I was and is still afraid that I might not be able to carry them to full term. But the bible says :

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
- Deuteronomy 31:6

I try to always remember that God is with us, and no matter what circumstances, we will just have to hold on to Him, for He is ever so faithful.

Anyway, during the scan, everything's okie. It should be two girls, which is fine. We even saw one of the twins do a headstand! Amazing! Its the active one who's always jumping around during all our scans, while the other one is always sleeping. The worrying part for both of us is that the sleepy one is always inactive..and I'm not sure if that by itself is a cause for concern. Uncle Pig and I are worried that the inactive one might be the one with the special needs, but if it really is, then God grant us the logistics and patience to guide the 3 kids la..

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