Sunday, November 13, 2011

A little prayer

An acquaintance of mine, whom I knew since young, recently embarked on her IVF journey. Like me, she was a PCOS who has tried ovulation pills, many rounds of IUIs and finally decided to do IVF in sept. I don't know her well personally but we always bump into each other at our common friends' gatherings.

It was also because my common friend knew tat I had also recently did my IVF tat she decided to be the "middleman adviser" to her. I gave her advice on the food to avoid at the start of the cycle, the symptoms one would experience at every phase, rejoice with her when she did her egg retrieval and finally consoled her when the results were not as expected. My heart cried out for her too, for someone whom I distantly knew, of her struggles of conceiving a child, of her sufferings she has gone thru & the possibilities of giving it another shot at it.. 

It also made me so thankful that God has granted me so much, so full to the brim where there's nothing I ask for now, fully contented and reminded again that twins is not because of IVF but because God made it possible..

I pray right now for this friend of mine, tat she overcome her grief, tat she look to you, Lord, and seek you. I pray tt Lord U continue to guide her path, comfort her and Lord, I pray tat You grant her desire, her deepest desire, which is to conceive a child. Lord, I pray tat You breathe life into her womb, tat You create the miracle in her life and when everything seems so impossible , You make it possible. Because You are the Creator and You love us more than anyone else. In Jesus name, I pray - Amen

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