Friday, November 11, 2011

Gynae's call..

Gynae called today.. I think to announce to me the results of my OSCAR scan, which I did a few days ago.. Basically it's a probability test to see the odds of the babies getting Down syndrome n other genetic disorders. I deliberated a long time before going. Firstly because I didn't do it for Joy back then. Secondly, because it wouldn't matter to me (I feel) if my child had it or not because ultimately its my child and God's gift for us & God's gift is always perfect. Thirdly,  of its high degree of probables, the result will only show if one has a higher chance or not n it didn't seem worthwhile to have needless worries over a test result tat might not be accurate in the first place. 

Having said tat, we went ahead with it because firstly, gynae says its his usual practice for ALL his patients & secondly, uncle pig feels tat we shld listen to the gynae. 

Well, the result is this.. One of the twins have an odd of 1:500 while the other has an odd of 1:168.. Gynae thus begin saying tat we shld do even more detailed scans at week 16 & 20, to know more.. Coz he's concerned abt the chances of being the one out of 168, despite the many times I've told him tat it won't have mattered to our recourse.. 

My heart sank, not because of the statistics but because I went ahead for this test, despite the Many reasons why I shouldn't do a test like this.. I took a moment to recompose myself before calling uncle pig to tell him the news. Both of us agreed tat we r not going to do any further tests, as it seem pretty meaningless , at least to us. I was glad that he agreed with me this time. I had peace in my heart and yes, I'm prepared to accept whatever plans God has in place for us. I thought for a long time before composing this. I asked myself if we had the capacity to take care of a special needs child, and I can tell u.. I don't know.. But what I know is this: God have plans for us and whatever challenges we face , He is with Us. He will create the environment with all the help we need and He is with us. In good times and in bad times, He is with us. I'm prepared, if this is in His plans, then Lord, I pray that you guide us along. Let us continue to share with others your goodness, and be the testimony of Your Kingdom... 

It's amazing how at peace I am and I'm thankful for tat. - amen 

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