Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy 5 yrs!

Today's the eve of our 5 years wedding anniversary. It seems just yesterday but 5 years has passed so quickly. Coincedentally, my bro's wedding is this sun (yes, juz a day after mine..) and we are now busy preparing ourselves, and helping out, that it kinda remind us of our own wedding 5 yrs ago.

To me, these 5 years has been fantastic. I'm blessed to know that Uncle Pig's the right person for me early, and because of this, we got married when I was barely 25.. haha.. young age, i feel, in today's time to settle down. But nevertheless, I was SURE that it was the right time, and with the right man, we tied the knot.

Both of us are not perfect, we have our shortfalls and of course, things that we dont always see eye to eye on.. But nevertheless, I still feel that God is kind enough to bless me with him, cause although he's not the perfect man, he's the man most suited for me! Perfect! I remember 5 yrs ago, that I was not overly involved with the wedding preparations. In fact, he did most, if not all of them. I told him flatly that I only wanted to marry him, and nothing else matters. (So sweet right, haha..) And because of this, I had the luxury of concentrating on my work, while he focus on the details and the preparations. He only gave me 1 task : Rem to appear on 11th Jun.. haha..

Fast forward 5 years, and now, he's busily doing our much overdue housework, while I'm juz blogging.. When Joy's about 1 yr old, he decided to quit full time so as to take care of Joy and also to serve God in his ways. I supported him, and became the breadwinner overnight. To a certain extent, I feel blessed. Bcoz he takes full charge of all the other things again, so that I can concentrate once again on my work.. compared to some of my other friends, I'm thankful to God for bringing him to me.. bcoz i cant imagine my life without you, nor if I had to do housework based on the social norms. God knew what I need, and provided someone, who could take care of me, love me, and bring the best out of me. Truly, if I had to be a full-time housewife, I think i would go crazy! If my hubby were someone who expect me to do the chores, I think life would be miserable..Haha.. but God knows and God provides, when we ask.

God, I pray that we continue to seek you in everything that we do, and that I pray that I will be able complement Uncle Pig, as his lifetime partner, his companion, his soulmate and everything. Lord, I pray for wisdom in settling our Baby Bakery.. you are the provider of everything, and I just pray for wisdom to lead the life in yr plans...

Uncle Pig, although I know you will not be reading this.. but I just wanna you to know that I appreciate your efforts in taking care of the family all these years.. and I know that this is juz one of the many 5 years to come.. I love you !

1 comment:

  1. can i like this blog? lol... happy anniversary to both!
