Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our mission on earth

Wats my mission on earth, God? Wat is my purpose in life? Shld I continue wkg here or shld I change to another place ? But if I don't wk here wat else can I do? Something disturbing happen y'day but I shan't say here.. 

Anyway y'day sermon was on mission on earth.. Tat sometimes instead of focusing on wat we wAnt, we shld focus on God's plans for us.. Juz like I Shan't focus on my infertility issues so much tat it totally consume me, n instead focus on God's purpose in me.. Wat does he want me to do on planet earth? Otherwise I will end up super bitter with Him for not granting the things I so badly want (so true right) n feelings of bitterness, disappointment will all be there.. It's also y sometimes we c two similar situations happening with two not so similar outcomes? Then u start to ask God y did u grant them when they ask but not me when I've prayed fervently for so long? You can refer to the bible when Jesus at his last moments prayed for the suffering to b removed fr him, but he also said something " in God's way, if it pleases u" 
Right now mayb He doesn't hv plans to give me another child, maybe He wants me to be a testimony to others in similar situation, maybe he wants us to focus on our wk, on joy.. So we shld juz realign our goals again.. 

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