Thursday, February 24, 2011

Korea Day Four??

It's been so fun here in Korea tat i've lost track the no. of days I've been here so far... well, we've juz shifted back to seoul, after spending a nite at the ski resort and another at a village (korean kampung).. the itinerary's been quite okie so fun.. oh, and we went to a theme park today! According to Kim Min (our guide), its the world's no.7 amusement park.. haha... i tink out of the entire tour, only Joy was super interested in going there...mama and her friends had no idea that today was a theme park, and had to spend the few hrs in a cafe, drinkg coffee..while the other two persons felt that the queues for the rides were too long and only concentrated on shopping and buying gifts...haha.. at least we managed to take 3 kiddy rides with joy..and she was so super delighted after tat!
Will be spending another 2 days (1.5days?) before going back to singapore.. a bit sad when I tink abt it..haha.. which is kinda different fr the past..most of the time, i would miss home after 2-3days abroad..but this time round, i really wished that our trip can be extended for another week..haha... anyway, hopefully I'll be able to buy some stuff tomorrow during shopping coz we hadnt been able to buy anything for our friends or for ourselves so far...
Oh, Joleen, in case you are reading this, Thank you so much for covering my work these few days!!! Appreciate it greatly~ Smuacks~ Let me know if you want anything in Korea!

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