Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Night swim

Ever since my mental breakdown last week, I’ve been trying to build up my mental tank, or joy tank. So that when the next attack comes, I’ll be prepared. 

Listened to a podcast today abt channeling anxiety into positive energy and how an appropriate dose of anxiety is primarily used to protect us etc.. but eventually I felt that the podcast was more of promoting the author’s book which I’ll probably go read once I’m done with my current book. 

Went to make a pair of reading glasses coz ever since I’ve had 老花,I can neither read or do my cross stitch which is frustrating coz I end up spending my time scrolling on social media’s which leads to an even bigger problem etc. 

Anyway back to the podcast, the person also suggested one of the steps of topping up our joy tank was to list down 3 things that one is grateful for - daily. And so I did. 

1. Thankful for shelter
- I’m thankful that God provided us with this home, one that ticks all the right boxes. He provided financially, for us to afford this place. Even though, sometimes I do get anxious over if we could afford it, especially since my sales have been pretty quiet for this year. But whatever it is, we shall let God lead

2. Thankful for William 
- I can’t thank him enough, to be my soulmate, my partner and my anchor. He is my 披风岗 - one that I can hide behind or rely upon, when things can overwhelming. Yes, he’s not perfect, but so am I. In fact, I’m thankful that he can be the “speaker” whenever I have to attend social events; when I dunno what to say or when I’m feeling socially awkward. 

3. Thankful for my career and the opportunities
- Thankful that I joined the right man, the right job and industry. If you ask the fresh graduate me 21yrs ago, if I would ever imagine myself to be, I would never have imagined that this was possible.  Grateful for all the opportunities that were given. 

My 9pm zoom flew last min and so I had the chance to do a night swim. 


Praying that I’ll be close to God, in every step of my journey.

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