Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy birthday to me!

Finally got a chance to burn some calories today. Hardly exercise for the whole of June coz helper is away. And then by the time we do the sch drop offs, the sun is so bright that it’s so hard to swim. Plus I was lazy too la.. haha

Decided to do something for myself today. And it was nice to do a swim and just laze by the pool beds after that. 

Not doing anything fancy today coz no helper and I just didn’t wan William to 忙到半死 just for my bday. Everyday is a happy day as long as everyone’s healthy. 

Went for a simple lunch at our usual Korean restaurant before he dropped me off to meet Joy at TTSH for her medical appt. Long story short, she’s going to start some injections every week from next week. I just pray that this would work and that her condition would improve. 

By the time we were done, it was almost 6pm. Rushed home to see William still busy preparing for dinner. I was supposed to pick Joash but by the time the TTSH appt was done, it was kinda too late. 

He made Korean cold noodles! And it tasted to my liking.. hahahaha.. it’s not like the typical kind where the noodles are gooey, his version is slightly better and more suited for me (I feel but I could b biased too.. hahaha) 

I’ve been craving for Korean cold noodles for a long time and I’m glad this worked out! Hahahha.. then we could always have this anytime we wanted. And the best part is we could top it up with our fav meats and not the miserable few pieces of meat that we get when we dine out. 

Had so much emotions as I see this picture. 


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